Asslamualaikum..,. Yow guys.. buat kamu yang lagi pada neliti tentang commitment, phenomenon, and interdependen... ini gua kasih linknya :
Journal of psychogy by Carly Rusbult ,, check this out...
Journal of psychogy by Carly Rusbult ,, check this out...
- The metamorphosis of Narcissus: Communal activation promotes relationship commitment among narcissists
- Perceived support for promotion-focused and prevention-focused goals: Associations with well-being in unmarried and married couples.
- The Michelangelo phenomenon.
- Navigating personal and relational concerns: The quest for equilibrium.
- To think or to do: The impact of assessment and locomotion orientation on the Michelangelo phenomenon.
- Cultural value orientations, internalized homophobia, and accommodation in romantic relationships.
- Executive self, self-esteem, and negative affectivity: Relations at the phenotypic and genotypic level.
- Self processes in interdependent relationships: Partner affirmation and the Michelangelo phenomenon.
- Are normal narcissists psychologically healthy?: Self-esteem matters.
- Interdependence, interaction, and relationships.
- Dealing with betrayal in close relationships: Does commitment promote forgiveness?
- Empathic accuracy and accommodative behavior among newly married couples
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