Again,,, Jurnal.. jurnal... jurnal... kalau sudah masuk psikologi pastini berkutat sama jurnal... setelah kemaren berkutat dengan jurnal pemaafan dan sebelumnya jurnal self disclosure sekarang,,, GGL mau ngasih link buat kamu yang pengen cari jurnal tentang 'rasa syukur' alias dalam bahasa kampungnya Journal of Gratitude... let's check it out....
- Positive responses to benefit and harm: Bringing forgiveness and gratitude into cognitive psychotherapy.klik disini
- Is gratitude an alternative to materialism? klik disini
- Gratitude in intermediate affective terrain: Links of grateful moods to individual differences and daily emotional experience klik disini
- Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life klik disini
- The grateful disposition: A conceptual and empirical topography. klik disini
- Is gratitude a moral affect? klik disini
- Gratitude and happiness klik disini
- The Rediscovery of Gratitude: Implications for Counseling Practice klik disini
- Preschool-aged children's understanding of gratitude: Relations with emotion and mental state knowledge klik disini
punya jurnal bahasa indonya gaa?