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Rabu, 03 April 2013

Download jurnal Pemaafan - Journal of Forgiveness

Nah, kalau tadi barusan udah ngebuat link untuk jurnal Self Disclosure sekarang ,,, giliran jurnal-jurnal pemaafan,, yah berhubung si gadis garis lurus ini juga lagi neliti tentang pemaafan,,, ini nih link buat download jurnal pemaafan... check this out yow :

  1. Forgiveness results from integrating information about relationship value and exploitation risk Klik disini
  2. Conciliatory gestures facilitate forgiveness and feelings of friendship by making transgressors seem more agreeable.klik disini
  3. Perceived transgressor agreeableness decreases cortisol response and increases forgiveness following recent interpersonal transgressions. Klik disini
  4. On the form and function of forgiving: Modeling the time-forgiveness relationship and testing the valuable relationships hypothesis klik disini
  5. Evolved mechanisms for revenge and forgiveness. In P. R. Shaver and M. Mikulincer (eds.), Understanding and reducing aggression, violence, and their consequences klik disini
  6. Forgiveness, feeling connected to others, and well-being: Two longitudinal studies klik disini
  7. Rumination, emotion, and forgiveness: Three longitudinal studies klik disini
  8. Positive responses to benefit and harm: Bringing forgiveness and gratitude into cognitive psychotherapy klik disini
  9. Writing about the benefits of an interpersonal transgression facilitates forgiveness. klik disini
  10. Perceived transgressor agreeableness decreases cortisol response and increases forgiveness following recent interpersonal transgressions. klik disini
  11. The longitudinal association between forgiveness and relationship closeness and commitment. klik disini
  12. Responses to interpersonal transgressions in families: Forgivingness, forgivability, and relationship-specific effects. klik disini
  13. Psychometric and rationalization accounts for the religion-forgiveness discrepancy klik disini
  14. Religion, forgiveness, and adjustment in older adults.klik disini
  15. Forgiveness and justice: A research agenda for social and personality psychology klik disini
  16. Forgiveness, forbearance, and time: The temporal unfolding of transgression-related interpersonal motivations klik disini
  17. Dimensions of religiosity and their relationship to lifetime psychiatric and substance abuse disorders. klik disini
  18. Transgression-related motivational dispositions: Personality substrates of forgiveness and their links to the Big Five. klik disini
  19. Forgiveness: Who does it and how do they do it? Current Directions in Psychological Science klik disini
  20. Vengefulness: Relationships with forgiveness, rumination, well-being, and the Big Five.klik disini
  21. Forgiveness as human strength: Theory, measurement, and links to well-being. klik disini
  22. Religion and the forgiving personality. klik disini
  23. Interpersonal forgiving in close relationships II: Theoretical elaboration and measurement. klik disini
  24. Interpersonal forgiving in close relationships.klik disini
Sudah dulu ya,,, nanti di tambah lagi ya jurnal pemaafannya.... selamat membaca!

4 komentar:

  1. makasih banget ya atas kumpulan jurnalnya, kebetulan saya juga lagi membuat penelitian tentang pemaafan, tp kalau bisa jurnal yang bahasa indonesianya tolong dikasih juga ya

    1. oh,,, ia sama-sama,,, saya juga lagi neliti tentang pemaafan...

      memangnya penelitian tentang pemaafannya detailnya gimana? siapa tau saya bisa bantu... :) terimakasih sudah berkunjung

  2. makasi utkkumpulan jurnal2nya. seneng bisa nemu kumpulan ini :)
    sy lg mau mlai nuis tntg pemaafan, yg berhubungan dengan empati.
    seandainya punya kumpulan jurnal yg terkait, mohon share ya...

    ym sy :
    trm kasih

  3. thanks sob untuk jurnalnya..
    sangat membantu saya dalam penyusunan tugas saya
