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Rabu, 23 April 2014

Journal of Religiousitas - Jurnal tentang Religi

Assalamuaikum,,, wah sudah lama tidak ngeblog ne,,, baru brasa nggeh pas ada yang nanya-nanya masalah jurnal,,, nah kali ini si gadis garis lurus bakal ngasih link terkait jurnal religiusitas,, buat kamu yang mau yang butuh referensi jurnalnya cek this out ya :

  1. Dimensions of Religiosity and Their Relationship to Lifetime Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders silahkan download Klik disini
  2. Religion and spirituality in rehabilitation psychology. Rehabilitation Psychology  klik disini
  3. Conceptualizing religion and spirituality: Points of commonality, points of departure.klik disini
  4. Parent-adolescent relationship quality as a moderator for the influences of parents' religiousness on adolescents' religiousness and adjustment. Silahkan Klik disini
  5. Processing linking parents' and adolescents' religiousness and adolescent substance use: Monitoring and self-control. Silahkan Klik disini
  6. Religious cognition down-regulates sexually selected, characteristically male behaviors in men, but not in women. Silahkan Klik disini
  7. Religious people discount the future less. Evolution and Human Behavior. Silahkan Klik disini
  8. The mediating role of monitoring in the association of religion with self-control. Silahkan Klik disini
  9. Does devoutness delay death? Psychological investment in religion and its association with mortality in the Terman sample. Silahkan
    Klik disini
  10. Dynamic factor analysis of worldviews/ religious beliefs and well-being among older adults. Silahkan
    Klik disini
  11. Religion, self-control, and self-regulation: Associations, explanations, and implications. Silahkan
    Klik disini
  12. Religious involvement and the intoxication trajectories of low income urban women. Silahkan
    Klik disini
  13. Dynamical modeling for studying self-regulatory processes: An example from the study of religious development over the life span. Silahkan  Klik disini  
  14. Change and stability during the third age: Longitudinal investigations of self-rated health and religiousness with the PDF  
  15. The varieties of religious development in adulthood: A longitudinal investigation of religion and rational choice. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89, 78-89. Klik disini
  16. Personality traits in adolescence as predictors of religiousness in early adulthood: Findings from the Terman Longitudinal StudyKlik disini  
Dan berikut terkait dengan Alat ukur atau Measuring of Religion
  1. Evaluating the religious commitment inventory for adolescents klik disini
  2. The Religious Commitment Inventory-10: Development, refinement, and validation of a brief scale for research and counseling klik disini

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